Gulf Coast Women's Sunrise Prayer

29 Mar 2025, 6:45am–11:30am CDT

Galveston Beach, City of Galveston Beach Access #1C, East Beach Drive, Galveston, TX, USA Map

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John 4: 10

Join us for our annual Gulf Coast Women’s Sunrise Prayer Morning, a powerful and inspiring time of worship, prayer and connection with our Heavenly Father. This year, we will dive into the life-changing promise of the “living water” that Jesus offers in John 4:10, and discover the transformative impact it can have when we come to Him. Be moved by heartfelt testimonies from women who have experienced Jesus satisfy the deepest thirsts of their hearts. Finally, come together with old friends and new, and experience a sense of community like never before!!


6:45 am:

Arrive at beach (City of Galveston Beach Access #1C, East Beach Drive, Galveston, TX)

*We’ll have a wonderful time of corporal prayer and worship at the beach

*vulnerable testimonies

*Individual prayer/ Group prayer

*Please Bring Your Own Chair/ Blankets/ Sunscreen

*Dress appropriately for weather

9:30 am:

$20 registration comes with a breakfast buffet at
The Jetty Restaurant
5002 Seawall Blvd
Galveston, TX 77551

Contact information

Booking details

Prices are in USD.

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